Welcomed with a pretty décor
with the touch of white and orange, it just feels comfortable to sit for the
next hours. They have placed our table name tag so that we could find out seat easily.
Just as I took my seat, I
began to take pictures of the ambience, and after that, of course, having some
shots of myself. Here are the results.

Anyway, the sessions are really great. I love how I got some useful information about the skin, starting from what is the true definition of healthy skin, how to differentiate skin types and skin condition. Here is what I got from the dermatologist:
1. Skin Types
Skin Type is a congenital factor. From the day you were born until you
grow up, your skin type will always be like that. There’s no such condition
where your skin type is changing suddenly (for example: feeling like you have
normal skin type but lately you think it has changed to dry). If you have
normal skin type, it will always be. The condition where you feel that your
skin is dry is actually the dehydrated skin condition that you are having.
2. Skin Condition
Skin condition is caused by many factors, the environment, weather, how
you treat your skin from outside and inside, etc. For example if you are working
full time in a room with AC, and you rarely drink water, you also don’t use any
skin care, your skin will feel dry. But it doesn’t mean it becomes dry skin, it
is just dehydrated.
From these cases, we
could draw a conclusion that dry skin
is about the skin type since you were born, because your skin has little oil content, and dehydrated skin is about the skin
condition in which you have little water
content in your body and your skin.

With all the understandings,
let’s move on to the product review to know how Bio Oil solves those problems.
Comes in 4 size of packages, it would be really easy for you to just pick the size that you need. If the area that you would apply Bio Oil is quite small and you think it just will need not really much of Bio Oil, you can pick the smallest size, and vice versa.
If you think Bio Oil is just
for stretch marks, you should’ve known more about this holy grail product.
Truth is, it has so many functions as mentioned below:
1. 1. Disguise the scars
It can be applied for either old scars or new scars
2. Stretch Marks
It helps to reduce the possibility of forming stretch marks during
rapid growth in adolescence, weight gain, and also helps disguise the
existing stretch marks.
3. Uneven Skin Tone
It helps to disguise the pigmentation stains that is cause by hormonal fluctuations,
brightening skin care products, or excessive sun exposure.
4. Skin Aging
It helps to smoothen and treat signs of aging of the skin and wrinkles
both on the face and body.
5. Dry Skin
It helps to restore the skin's natural oils, which are lost by factors
such as extreme weather, water with high chemical content, too often soaking,
and dry skin due to heater or air conditioner (AC).
Anyway, those are all
that I wanna share to you this time, guys. Thank you so much for reading, let’s
become a blog friend of mine. See you later! (with bonus photo in closing)
- Amelita Yonathan -