Tuesday, November 19, 2019

[EXPERIENCE] Hanamasa - Dari Meja ke Meja

"Kebanyakan nih ngambilnya tadi."
Hayoo siapa yang sering kayak gitu kalo makan all-you-can-eat? Aku salah satunya! (jujur 😂) Sering banget kan laper mata pingin ambil ini itu tapi ujung2nya banyak tersisa di mejaa?!

Tapi kita sadar ga sih kalo banyak banget orang-orang di luar sana yang ga bisa makan all-you-can-eat kayak kita? Jangankan all-you-can-eat, makan di mall aja pasti banyak kan yang belum pernah. 

Bahkan, berdasarkan hasil studi Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) dan Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) tahun 2016, Indonesia adalah salah satu penghasil sampah makanan kedua terbesar dunia.

“Fakta ini sangat ironis karena ada sisi kelompok masyarakat yang kekurangan makanan terutama kualitasnya," ucap Bambang Brodjonegoro Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) di Workshop Nasional Fortifikasi Pangan di Hotel Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Selasa (19/2/2019).

Nah tanggal 14 November ini aku ada event bareng Hanamasa x Clozette dan jadi tau kalo sekarang Hanamasa memiliki sebuah Big Idea untuk tidak menyisakan makanan yaitu 'Tersisa Percuma' yang dibentuk dalam sebuah campaign 'Dari Meja ke Meja' yang artinya membagikan makanan yang kita punya 'di meja kita' ke 'meja orang yang membutuhkan', dimana Hanamasa mau bagi-bagi voucher makan gratis di Hanamasa ke anak-anak pemulung dan ibu hamil yang tinggal di lingkungan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir (TPSA) Bantar Gebang dan kamu bisa jadi saluran berkat buat mereka!

Caranya gampang banget! Kamu hanya perlu makan di Hanamasa dan menghabiskan seluruh makanan yang diambil, kemudian post ke ig story kamu dan tag @hanamasa_id bukti piring-piring yang bersih tanpa sisa makanan.⁣⁣ 1 post ig story kalian bernilai 1 voucher untuk 1 orang kurang mampu yang akan diberikan makan gratis loh! 🤗⁣⁣ 

Jadi, setiap kamu yang menghabiskan seluruh makanan yang kamu ambil saat makan di Hanamasa, berarti kamu tidak membuang-buang makanan dan oleh karena itu, Hanamasa dapat memberikan 1 voucher gratis untuk mereka yang membutuhkan. Kalo kamu datang berlima dan semuanya ikutan campaign ini, berarti akan ada 5 orang kurang mampu yang dapat makan gratis di Hanamasa. Keren banget gak sih?

Periodenya dari 6-20 November 2019 dan waktu pelaksanaan makan gratis tanggal 25 November 2019 di Hanamasa Mall Metropolitan Bekasi.
Yuk, jangan biarkan makananmu #TersisaPercuma!

By the way, setelah dijelaskan mengenai campaign ini, kita makan-makan bareng tentunya di Hanamasa. Seru banget! Dan ternyata, Hanamasa juga lagi terus melebarkan sayapnya loh dengan membuka cabang-cabang baru!

#ClozetteIDxHanamasa #ClozetteID

- Amelita Yonathan -

Monday, June 24, 2019

[BEAUTY] Scarlett Whitening

Hi guys! So here I’m coming back again with another product that I want to introduce you! :D Jadi tuh belakangan aku cobain 2 produk yang ternyata banyak banget dari orang-orang sekitar aku yang udah pernah pake, yaitu Scarlett Whitening!
Denger kata whitening emang gak asing lagi ya? Apalagi istilah ‘pemutih peninggi pelangsing’ , biasanya kita langsung resist tuh begitu ada olshop yang spamming nawarin produknya di comment box foto instagram kita, bener gak?
Nah tapi yang satu ini beda sis! Ini tuh bukan yang instan dan bohongan itu loh, soalnya aku sendiri udah pake selama beberapa minggu dan aku berasa banget efeknya!

Yuk kita bahas satu per satu!

1. Fragrance Hand and Body Whitening Cream
Nah dari aroma nya memang bener banget ini tuh wanginya enak dan lembut, aroma bunga gitu dan ga terlalu nyengat. Menurut aku sih harusnya setiap orang fine ya dengan aroma ini. Akupun meski bukan pencinta parfum floral tapi lumayan suka sama aroma cream nya ini.
Kalo dari teksturnya gausah ditanya sih, pasti semua orang suka, karena dia ini kayak lotion yang melembabkan dan nyaman buat sehari-hari itu loh. Teksturnya juga gak terlalu lengket.
Nah efeknya apa? Jujur kalo di aku, mencerahkan sedikit setelah beberapa minggu, asal rajin pakenya. Sekali lagi, asal rajin pakenya. Consistency always matters, right?
Nah selain itu, aku juga nemuin 1 hal unik dan menarik lagi dari si cream ini, yaitu dia bisa dijadiin lotion penyelamat ketika kalian ke acara dan kulit kalian lagi belang! Ntah uneven skin tone ato kena sunburnt gitu karena.. Dia ini punya efek ‘instant white’ yang bisa bikin kulit kalian langsung keliatan beda begitu pake! Bener-bener langsung putih cerah gitu. Kalo ditanya, serem gak sih? Nggak dong. Dia ini sifatnya sementara, kalo kalian mandi juga hilang efek ‘memutihkan’nya. Harus rajin pake baru bener-bener memutihkan secara permanen, pelan-pelan. Sama aja kayak kalian pake foundation gitu loh, si cream nya ini aja yang mengandung pigmentasi yang bisa nempel di kulit buat sementara waktu selama belom dibilas. Hehehe.

2. Whitening Shower Scrub
Kalo yang satu ini, aroma nya juga enak kok! Ga jauh beda sama si lotion tadi dipe fragrance nya, lebih ke yang floral gitu. Nah yang aku dari si scrub ini tuh adalah gelnya yang ada butiran2 yang berwarna pink dan ungu. Cantik dan gemes banget, dan biasanya butiran-butiran itu adalah kandungan vitamin tertentu yang bagus buat kulit.
Untuk efeknya di aku, lumayan lebih ke mencerahkan sih si shower scrub nya ini, meskipun yang aku rasain sepertinya lebih efektif lotionnya kalo dalam hal memutihkan.

Nah sekian review dari aku kali ini. Thanks buat yang udah baca! Hope it helps, guys! Will come back later with another review! Hihi

- Amelita Yonathan -

Thursday, June 20, 2019

[BEAUTY] Extrim Slimming Gel

Sebenernya apa sih yang disebut body goals? Badan yang langsing? Atau yang penting ga berlemak? Yang mulus tanpa adanya selulit? Well apapun itu pasti mirip-mirip lah ya.. Yang dimaksud dari body goals pasti ga jauh-jauh dari yang namanya body yang fit in shape alias gak banyak lemak dimana-mana dan juga kulit yang mulus tanpa noda.

But, when it comes to it, banyak banget gak sih yang wondering gimana caranya? Aku salah satunya. Dari dulu selalu obsessed banget sama yang namanya punya body goals. Meskipun body shape aku bisa dibilang lumayan, tapi masih banyak banget persentase lemaknya. Dan aku cukup sulit ngilanginnnya.

Nah terus sekitar 2 minggu lalu, aku tuh akhirnya memutuskan buat cobain Extrim Slimming Gel yang adalah lotion pembakar lemak yang bagus dan bekerja banget. 

Sebagai orang yang tadinya lumayan skeptical sama lotion pembakar lemak gitu, aku liat dulu review2nya dan liat ingredients nya juga.

Nah singkat cerita aku memutuskan buat coba. Cara pakenya tuh gampang banget tinggal dipakein kayak pake lotion biasa aja ke bagian tubuh yang berlemak, kayak misalnya lengan atas, paha, perut, dan lain-lain, dan juga ke bagian tubuh yang ada selulitnya karena selain membakar lemak, Extrim Slimming Gel juga bisa menghilangkan selulit di tubuh.

Setelah aku udah pakein ke lengan aku, ga ada reaksi yang bikin ga nyaman sih, berarti dia aman, ga bikin kulit aku ngerasa gatel, lengket, kemerahan ato apapun itu. Sensasinya cuma kayak mint-mint dikit aja gitu di kulit, mungkin karena efek membakar lemaknya itu ya. Nyaman-nyamana aja sih pokoknya.

Setelah itu aku pake lebih rutin selama kurang lebih 2 minggu, terutama sebelum dan sesudah olahraga daan.. Lumayan keliatan hasilnya! Pembakaran lemak rasanya lebih cepet terutama kalo dipake sebelum berolahraga! Aku merasa body ku jadi lebih fit / in shape aja gitu. Gak lebay sampe tiba-tiba kurus banget ya, tapi harus rajin buat rutin pake. Perlahan tapi pasti.

Kalo buat selulitnya sendiri, dia akan memudar gitu meskipun butuh waktu yang lebih lama terutama untuk selulit yang udah ada dari lama banget.

Overall menurut aku ini adalah produk yang aman sih, karena gak menawarkan yang instan gitu, lebih ke arah perlahan tapi pasti asal rutin. Gelnya juga gak bikin lengket, meresapnya lumayan cepet ke kulit. Kalo kalian penasaran, kalian bisa cek info lebih lengkapnya di www.extrim.co.id yaa.

- Amelita Yonathan -

Saturday, May 11, 2019

[EAYWORDS] Steps Away

Thinking of yourself and looking at it on the mirror, what do you see? All the things you regret having? All the asymmetrical that you find out clinging on your body?

That's totally okay and normal. All people must've felt that way too. But be quick to move on. Be quick to point out the motivation to the purpose that you are working on.

You can read someone's inspiring story and be amazed and thinking you want to create a beautiful story of your life, too. But isn't every inspiring story has its hardest part too? Maybe you're just steps away to finish that part! And the pretty things are coming all the way to you.

Be nice to yourself, be enthusiastic to meet your dreams.

 - Amelita Yonathan -

Thursday, May 9, 2019

[BEAUTY] Biore UV Aqua Rich SPF 50+/PA++++


Hi girls! So in this blog is something so great that I just found.. it’s a skin care that works and suitable for my skin! It is from the well-known skin care brand in Indonesia: Biore. And it is.. Biore UV Aqua Rich.

The Packaging
I love the size of the packaging, which is able to carry on everywhere, quite travel sized. And I love the glossy texture that makes it look more lavish. And the blue color is quite light and calm, not too vibrant or high saturated, that makes it look elegant too!

The Texture
At the first glimpse I thought it’s just another sunscreen products, but when I opened the tube and placed it on my hand, I could already mention that I’m gonna love it as I love the formulation and the texture. Unlike the other anti UV products, it is more watery, which is not sticky at all.

My Experience
After that, I tried to apply it on my face and I can say that my skin feels smooth and I love the smell, it’s a calming and natural kind of smell. I applied it on my face and my neck after that. After I used it a day in outdoor, I could feel that even in strong sunlight, my skin didn’t get any darker or any sunburnt at all. I was quite shocked because it is quite amazing how it has a light texture but functions so great.
Thought it was just a cliché, I googled it, search for some reviews from youtubers and bloggers and wow! They all feel the same way to this products. The texture is light but it functions very well to protect the skin from the sunlight as Biore UV Aqua Rich also has SPF 50+/PA++++ so you don’t have to worry to go out when sun comes up.
You should try! Maybe it would be your holy grail, too!

- Amelita Yonathan -

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

[EVENT] Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water

Hi loves! How are you? So here is me, I’m coming back with something I want to share to you guys. Guess what?

So, last month I got a chance to attend the event from NAOS, the company of Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water. Yup, the most famous Micellar Water as it is the first micellar water in the world. It is such a very inspiring one, with dr. Shannaz and dr. Adhi as the speakers.

After some greetings from Bioderma Team, the event is started with a presentation about sensitive skin definition, what causes it, and also the statistics data of people who have sensitive skin which made us know that the percentage of people who have sensitive skin continues to increase. And that’s why everybody needs the right solution for it.

From the presentation, I began to know that NAOS, which was found by Jean Noel Thorel (Biologist Pharmacist) has operated in more than 100 countries. NAOS also becomes one of the largest beauty companies in the world which always develop their products through ecobiology.

Ecobiology sees the skin as an ecosystem that always adapts and interacts with the environment, where the natural condition and mechanism should be maintained well. Maintaining the skin well means knowing the right products to use and not taking too much unneeded skin care products.

Aurelie Guyoux, the Global Research and Innovation Director of NAOS explains us that Bioderma Sensibio H2O uses an ecological approach that views skin as a smart but vulnerable ecosystem. It is important to pick your skin care carefully, as skin care is like ‘the food’ to our body. It is very crucial to learn about the ingredients that our skin needs or doesn’t need.

Dr. Shannaz said that the water alone is not enough to clean all dirt in our skin, especially metals, the fat that clog the pores, especially the pigment material that is used in most makeup products.     

From her explanation, I got to know that Bioderma Sensibio H2O is playing an important role to our sensitive skin, as it is really safe for every sensitive skin types. How it works is also amazing. Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water can remove makeup for effectively for 99%, remove small particles for 98%, and also cleanse heavy metals for 78%. Isn’t that awesome?

“There are so many people that has sensitive skin nowadays. The consultation when they meet the dermatologist is mostly about the acne prone and sensitive skin that they have. And the main cause of it is the overused of skin care products or using the makeup with the ingredients that is not suitable for their skin. Many people are struggling with their acnes, and that doesn’t get any better because they always try new skin care products without really knowing the ingredients in it and if it is suitable for their skin, which causes the skin to break out again and again”, said Dr. Adhimukti T. Sampurna (Dermatologist and Medical Director of Bamed Healthcare

From their explanations, we know that we should be very careful with our skin. Choose the cleansing products that is mild and moisturizes the skin, just like Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water.

Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water contains highly purified water, the water has also been through the purification stage with 5.5 pH biological level. Beside that, one of the ingredients is biomimentic, which is the kind of lipid that our skin has. Therefore, those ingredients won’t make a contradiction to our skin. I think, that’s why Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water becomes the best micellar water even that there are so many other micellar water brands now.


Anyway, you can use Bioderma not only for cleansing your makeup, but also as toner before you apply your makeup, as it calms the skin as well.

Bioderma Sensibio H2O has three types: the Sensibio H2O (Pink) for sensitive skin, Hydrabio H2O (Blue) for dehydrated skin, and Sebium H2O (Green) for combination and oily skin. So, basically, everyone can use it.

So, what are you waiting now? Just try and prove how it works to the skin!

- Amelita Yonathan -

Thursday, March 7, 2019

[BEAUTY] Bio-Oil Event and Product Review

It always gives me an amazing feeling to be invited to the event of the brand that I already use for a long time. And this time, I was invited to Bio Oil Event and it’s such a pleasure that I knew that the event would be a fun, and informative one. So here are the series ot the stories!

Welcomed with a pretty décor with the touch of white and orange, it just feels comfortable to sit for the next hours. They have placed our table name tag so that we could find out seat easily.
Just as I took my seat, I began to take pictures of the ambience, and after that, of course, having some shots of myself. Here are the results.

Anyway, the sessions are really great. I love how I got some useful information about the skin, starting from what is the true definition of healthy skin, how to differentiate skin types and skin condition. Here is what I got from the dermatologist:
     1. Skin Types
Skin Type is a congenital factor. From the day you were born until you grow up, your skin type will always be like that. There’s no such condition where your skin type is changing suddenly (for example: feeling like you have normal skin type but lately you think it has changed to dry). If you have normal skin type, it will always be. The condition where you feel that your skin is dry is actually the dehydrated skin condition that you are having.
     2. Skin Condition
Skin condition is caused by many factors, the environment, weather, how you treat your skin from outside and inside, etc. For example if you are working full time in a room with AC, and you rarely drink water, you also don’t use any skin care, your skin will feel dry. But it doesn’t mean it becomes dry skin, it is just dehydrated.
From these cases, we could draw a conclusion that dry skin is about the skin type since you were born, because your skin has little oil content, and dehydrated skin is about the skin condition in which you have little water content in your body and your skin.

With all the understandings, let’s move on to the product review to know how Bio Oil solves those problems.

Comes in 4 size of packages, it would be really easy for you to just pick the size that you need. If the area that you would apply Bio Oil is quite small and you think it just will need not really much of Bio Oil, you can pick the smallest size, and vice versa.

If you think Bio Oil is just for stretch marks, you should’ve known more about this holy grail product. Truth is, it has so many functions as mentioned below:
1.    1. Disguise the scars
It can be applied for either old scars or new scars
2.    2. Stretch Marks
It helps to reduce the possibility of forming stretch marks during pregnancy,
rapid growth in adolescence, weight gain, and also helps disguise the existing stretch marks.
3.    3. Uneven Skin Tone
It helps to disguise the pigmentation stains that is cause by hormonal fluctuations, brightening skin care products, or excessive sun exposure.
4.    4. Skin Aging
It helps to smoothen and treat signs of aging of the skin and wrinkles both on the face and body.
5.    5. Dry Skin
It helps to restore the skin's natural oils, which are lost by factors such as extreme weather, water with high chemical content, too often soaking, and dry skin due to heater or air conditioner (AC).
Anyway, those are all that I wanna share to you this time, guys. Thank you so much for reading, let’s become a blog friend of mine. See you later! (with bonus photo in closing)

- Amelita Yonathan -